Site and Operational Plans

Site and Operational Plans
Posted on 09/26/2017
During a public hearing on Monday, September 25, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission provisionally approved a conditional use permit that includes site and operational plans, and an amendment to the existing Digital Security Imaging Systems agreement. The petitioner, Dixit Patel, on behalf of VIDHYA Corp, VIII, Inc., the property owners, is requesting approval for site improvements and building alterations. This is for a proposed Dunkin Donuts (with a drive-thru) and a future sandwich shop to be located within the BP Amoco convenience store located at 10477 120th Avenue.

Dunkin Donuts is proposing to occupy the northern portion of the existing building with a drive-thru along the east and north sides of the building. The convenience store will undergo interior modifications to include the Dunkin Donuts and a future sandwich shop. The restroom facilities will be altered and updated. The exterior of the building is also being modified to add stone tower features, painting of exterior brick, canopies, lighting and other features. The existing security camera Digital Security Imaging System (DSIS) will be modified to comply with Chapter #410 of the Municipal Code, Security Ordinance to monitor the drive-thru and pick-up windows for the Dunkin Donuts. The facility is proposed to be open from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The plans have been reviewed and meet generally accepted engineering practices and Village policies

A related item was a zoning text amendment to amend the BP-Amoco planned unit development related to the specific zoning regulations for the installation of a Dunkin Donuts (with a drive thru). The Plan Commission is sending a favorable recommendation to the Village Board for approval.
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