Fall Leaf Collection

Fall Leaf Collection
Posted on 09/15/2017

As a part of the Solid Waste Services provided in the Village, crews collect loose, un-bagged leaves directly from your curb or roadside. Four rounds of leaf collection will take place this fall. Weather permitting, leaf collection will run from Monday, October 9 through December 6. To have your leaves collected, please follow the steps below.

• Identify your collection zone and schedule.
• To prepare your leaves, rake your loose, fallen leaves into a pile at your curb or on your roadside by 7:00 a.m. on your collection dates. Because leaves are collected with a vacuum, they must be piled loose.
• Please keep leaves off of the asphalt.
• Residents with curbs and gutters, place loose leaves on the grass by your curb.
• Residents with a ditch line, place loose leaves on the grass along the roadside of the ditch.
• Leaves must be within six feet of the road.
• Bagged leaves or grass, branches and other yard waste will not be collected.
• Do not mix other yard waste, such as potted/garden plants or branches, into your pile of leaves. Doing so can damage the leaf collection vacuum and may cause costly delays. Leaves mixed with other yard waste will not be collected.

Please keep in mind that though collection staff abides by the schedule, there are certain
circumstances that may delay leaf collection by one or more days. These circumstances include:
delays due to weather, emergency situations that may draw staff away from their regular duties, or damage to collection equipment that would require repair or unscheduled service.

If you miss your scheduled collection days, leaves may also be taken to the Residential Recycling Center at 8000 128th Street. The center will be open through December 2, weather permitting.

If you have additional questions, please call 925.6700.

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