General Government Departments in the Village include: Police, Municipal Court, Fire & Rescue, Public Safety Communications, Public Works, Parks, Engineering, Building Inspection, Assessing, Information Technology, Finance, Human Resources, Administration and Community Development. These departments receive income from property taxes, loans, grants, impact and other fees, the resale of capital equipment and donations. The funds received are used to cover day-to-day operating expenses, capital purchases or projects, and to pay down General Government debt.
During 2017, the Village will continue to reinforce core public safety services while also working to keep our community nimble enough to respond to and bounce back quickly from future uncertainties as they arise. With a refined focus on becoming resilient in the face of future challenges, the Village will focus on: protecting infrastructure; maintaining high quality staff; ensuring that new development will add value to the Village; and ensuring that any remaining developable land in the Village achieves its highest and best use in order to help the Village maintain its value over the long term. Capital projects and expenses planned for 2017 are shown in the PDF below.
For many years, the Village has followed a conservative borrowing schedule and used debt only for large capital projects and infrastructure that would retain value for our community over an extended period of time. During 2016, the Village continued to pay down General Government debt, including funds borrowed during 2014 to construct Fire Station #1 and funds borrowed during 2016 to replace a ladder truck and construct an equipment storage facility at the Roger Prange Center. The Village does not plan to borrow for capital purchases or projects within the General Government Budget during 2017.
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