Please help us reduce the amount of trash we place in landfills...
"While staff works hard to keep garbage and recycling costs low for our community, we need every household's help in order to make it work. Small changes can have a big impact on both our pocket books and our planet. Please help us reduce the amount of trash we place in landfills."
The Village would like to thank the many households who consistently sort recycled materials out of their garbage stream. Your help truly makes a difference in the amount that our community pays towards landfill costs and in the impact that our trash has on the environment. The Village would like to encourage more households to do the same.
The cost per ton of garbage placed into a landfill far exceeds the cost per ton of recycled material. And, over the last few years, we have seen a consistent increase in the amount of material that households throw away in the trash as opposed to recycling.
This is where your help can truly make a difference. We know your lives grow more busy by the day, so we've tried to make recycling as easy as possible with curbside collection and wheeled, covered bins.
Please reuse materials when possible, like cloth grocery bags, food containers, wrapping paper, and more.
Please, rinse/wash and recycle the following items in your blue covered recycling cart:
- clear plastic containers, bottles and lids (marked with numbers 1-7);
- glass bottles, jars, and containers; and
- aluminum or steel (tin) cans.
Please recycle the following paper items in your blue covered recycling cart:
- cardboard, newspapers, and magazines;
- catalogs, flyers, and junk mail;
- boxboard (unlined merchandise boxes);
- telephone books and paperback books;
- typing, copy and printer paper;
- stationery, envelopes, and bills; and
- brown paper bags.
Please call us at 262.925.6700 for a second recycling bin. While our current garbage and recycling fees don't enable us to expand the recycling program to a weekly collection, they do currently enable us to offer households an additional recycling bin to accommodate those weeks when your bin may be full. Watch future issues of the newsletter for more information about recycling. We thank you for your consideration and help to reduce costs and protect our planet.
6,996 Tons
The amount of waste generated by Village households that will be placed in a landfill during 2016 (based on actual tonnage for the first six months of the year).
2,296 Tons
The estimated amount of recycling generated by Village households that will be kept out of the landfill during 2016 (based on actual tonnage for the first six months of the year).
The estimated cost of landfill tipping fees the Village will pay during 2016 (based on the estimated tonnage of waste shown above and the actual tipping fee of $44.60 per ton).