On Monday, September 16, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board considered and approved an updated Master Conceptual Plan and Certified Survey Map for the continued development of Main Street Market generally located at the northeast corner of STH 31 (Green Bay Road) and STH 165 (104th Street) and is being developed by Main Street Development LLC (Bear Development).
The property is subdivided into of six lots. The property is proposed to include office, gas station/carwash/c-store and/or multi-tenant commercial buildings. Froedtert South medical office building is the first tenant of Main Street Market which recently completed construction. Lot 1 is 2.22 acres and the future Kwik Trip gas station, car wash, and convenience store site. Lot 3 is .84 acres, Lot 4 is 1.68 acres, Lot 5 is 6.47, and Lot 6 is 3.04 acres.
An east/west public roadway is proposed to extend between STH 31 and Old Green Bay Road. Four private development driveways are proposed to connect to Old Green Bay Road. Plans for the widening of Green Bay Road and STH 165 and the STH 165/Old Green Bay Road intersection and Main Street have been provided to the Village and WIS DOT for final review, approval, and right-of-way land acquisition for the Old Green Bay Road widening. The acquisition of additional right-of-way from adjacent landowners on the south side of STH 165 has been completed by the developer. Old Green Bay Road will be re-constructed with an urban cross section with curb, gutter, and public sidewalks/pedestrian ways. A new signalized intersection will be constructed at Old Green Bay Road and STH 165. A second new signalized intersection is proposed at STH 31 at future Main Street. Roadway cross section requirements have been defined which include bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. It is anticipated that the work on STH 165 and Old Green Bay Road including the intersection will be started in late spring of 2020.
Related documents for the Pleasant Prairie Village Board September 16, 2019, meeting can be found