The Village of Pleasant Prairie has suspended all in-person public access to Village offices to protect employees who deliver critical services to the community. Village departments are still working, Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and can be reached by phone or email. Pleasant Prairie is making the following changes to Village operations:
• Assessing: At this time, Village Assessors will only perform external inspections. All previously scheduled appointments are being rescheduled for a later date. Outside office hours in Brighton, Randall, and Salem Lakes are canceled until further notice. Any documents for assessing should be sent electronically with email. Physical copies can be placed in the Village Hall drop box and mailed to 9915 39th Avenue. Assessment services can be reached by phone at 262.925.6707 or by email at
[email protected].
• Building Inspection: Inspectors will still perform site inspections were social distancing can be maintained or accept affidavits if social distancing cannot be maintained. Permits will only be accepted and returned electronically. All payments should be mailed to 9915 39th Avenue for processing. Large plans can be submitted through an FTP site upon request. At this time pictures, videos, or video conferencing will be allowed as an inspection substitution. Building Inspectors can be reached by phone at 262.694.9304 or by email at
[email protected]
• Community Development: Developers are encouraged to submit zoning permit and development related applications in the mail. Mailings may be sent to 9915 39th Avenue or dropped off at the Village Hall drop box. Please use standard size letter envelopes with copies of forms and checks. Documents can also be emailed to
[email protected]. Upon request, electronic links can be created to submit large documents. Staff will respond to inquiries by mail, email, or phone at 262.925.6717. Conference calls will be scheduled for all necessary meetings. Zoning and Code Enforcement Inspectors will continue to inspect building exteriors, check liquor licenses, and perform plan reviews. All scheduled Village Plan Commission, Village Zoning Board of Appeals, Village Board public hearings, and other agenda items are canceled until further notice.
• Finance: Residents may make payments online by e-check or credit card. Checks can be dropped off at the Village Hall drop box or mailed to 9915 39th Avenue. Phone payments are accepted for citations at 844.399.5255 and tax payments at 866.917.7368. Additional details on how to pay citation, property taxes, or utility bills can be found
• Public Works: The Residential Recycling Center (RRC) will remain open to Village residents and maintain regular operational hours. The Department of Public Works lobby is closed to the public, common forms related to contractor or permit applications are online
here. Forms can be submitted by mail or email. Residents are encouraged to call, 925.6700, during working hours or email,
[email protected], for assistance. The Public Works emergency line can be reached by calling 262.694.1234.
These measures are being taken to ensure the health and welfare of our community and Village employees while still delivering the quality public services. As updates and changes occur related to COVID-19, the Village will communicate with residents accordingly.