The Village of Pleasant Prairie resumed public meetings on April 6, utilizing an online software, called GoToWebinar. Future Village Board and commissions meetings will be hosted virtually online, to limit exposure and prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), until regular in-person sessions can resume. Residents can connect to the virtual meetings to listen, watch, or raise a virtual hand to speak at the time of the public comment.
Online sessions offer an extra level of transparency, allowing residents to watch and interact safely from their homes. The public can listen and participate virtually by registering for meetings
here. Each meeting needs to be registered for individually because every session has a unique access code that will email out upon registration. Users that would like to call in to listen without comment can dial the number and access code associated with the meeting they want to hear.
There is an option to attend in-person at a virtual site hosted in the Village Hall Auditorium. Please note the Village Board and Committee members will not be present at Village Hall, and will participate in the meeting virtually. In-person attendance is not recommended due to concerns surrounding COVID-19, but those wishing to attend the virtual site, may RSVP by calling 262.694.1400.
The Village staff is taking the COVID-19 situation seriously and has developed this solution to allow meetings and business to continue to move forward.