For commercial construction, The Pleasant Prairie Fire & Rescue Department requires a review of Site & Operational Plans, along with
any fire protection & detection systems. This page is intended to give contractors and owners insight into the plan review process and to provide downloadable documents to facilitate the project. The Village follows the Wisconsin Chapter SPS 314 for Fire Code along with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and 2015 IBC code sets. The current printed editions of the respective NFPA codesets for the specific systems to be submitted is what is utilized. Contact the Fire department should you have questions or concerns.
Fire Alarm System Dialer End of Life
Mobile network carriers shut down cellular 3G service and replaced with 5G technology. Any fire panel systems operating on 3G must be upgraded to ensure uninterrupted communication in the event of an emergency.
In addition, the common phone carriers have begun shutting down the copper lines, frequently called plain old telephone system (POTS) lines. When they do this the dialer needs to be replaced with newer technology such as Voice Over IP (VOIP), cellular, or RF dialers.
Please contact your alarm contractor to determine if an upgrade is needed for your devices.
A plan review will be required for any fire alarm panel or cellular dialer upgrades. This requires a scope of work and cut sheets to be submitted to our department. All submitted dialers and panels must meet NFPA 72 and be UL listed Fees will be charged to test the system at $110 per hour. Any questions, please contact Laurie, at 262-694-8027.
Fire Sprinkler & Alarm Plan Reviews
All construction, remodeling, or addition projects that require new or modified fire protection systems must be reviewed by the Pleasant Prairie Fire & Rescue Department before the start of any work. Village ordinance provide for a triple fee assessment for any project that proceeds without approved plans.
Other Plan Reviews
Other systems and/or appliances may require a plan review. Some of these systems include but are not limited to:
- Hood systems
- Spray booths
- Clean agent suppression systems
Fire Flow Testing for Hydraulic Calculation & System Design
Fire flow information and data
shall be no older than one (1) year from the date of above-ground submission. Fire flow testing is conducted by the Village Public Works department in conjunction with the contractor requesting the test. To schedule a test you will need to complete and submit the following Fire Flow test Request form. If after submitting the appropriate form you still have difficulties scheduling a test, contact the Fire department at the contact information below.
Submitted Plan Reviews
Electronic Submittals are now available. The review timelines remain the same (standard .v Expedited), however, with electronic submittals some time can be reduced as shipping and returning plans are no longer needed.
There are several preparatory requirements for the electronic drawings which can be reviewed in the PDF file here. Most electronic submittals can be emailed. For larger drawings, please contact the AHJ at the information listed below.
- System drawings
- Cut sheets/datasheets
- Hydraulic and/or battery calculations as appropriate for the submitted system
- Permit application
- Permit fee (see §180-17)
Credit Card Payments
Credit card payments are now accepted for all permits, submittals, and applications. When making your submittal, contact the AHJ for details.
Submittal Checklist Documents by system
The checklists provided below give details for what elements, documents, and information are required to aid in a successful submission for your particular system.
Plan Review Timeline
Typically, a plan review may take up to 21 business days to be completed. There is an expedited "FastTrack" option that is available that will review the plan in 10 business days. There is an extra fee for this service. It is highly recommended that the applications and ordinances be read thoroughly before submitting a plan review.
No work is to proceed until plans are approved & stamped by the AHJ (Pleasant Prairie Fire Department)
Having WI State-approved plans does not satisfy the local AHJ permitting process.
Village Review Comments - Fire Department
The Village Review Comments is a document that starts during the planning stage and tracks the high-level requirements to obtain building occupancy. These numbered comments are a checklist of items that must be completed. These are shared with both the contractor and owner to keep information flowing and to avoid surprises. These comments are part of the initial building and construction process.
Fire Department sample comments
Project Supplement Information
Construction Inspections
During construction, various inspection efforts will be required
based on the type of systems being installed. The Fire department conducts all related inspections such as pressure hydro-tests, system walk-downs, and functional testing of protection devices such as fire pumps, clean agents, hood systems, fire alarms, and sprinkler systems. These inspections are scheduled through the Fire Department at least 48 hours in advance at the Contact Information below.
NOTE: Thrust Block inspections are coordinated through the Building Inspection Department.
Village Ordinance References
The Village ordinances identify and detail the specific requirements and fees for plan reviews, related permits, and various fire protection requirements. The PDFs below are excerpts of the overall Fire & Rescue ordinance §180.
§180-11 Fire Prevention
This section speaks to the various Wisconsin state statutes adopted by the Village regarding Fire & Safety concerns. The section also describes requirements for Fire Department access and pathways.
§180-16 Automatic Fire Sprinklers/Suppression/Alarm Systems & Hydrants
This section describes the owner's responsibilities and details what structures require fire protection. It details various fire protection systems and how they are to be installed.
Fire Protection Fee Schedule - Amended 1/20/2020
This section describes fees for various services including permits for fire protection systems, inspection fees, and professional services. Note: The Fire department no longer participates in the tank program.
§180 Fire & Rescue Department Ordinance - Complete
This section holds the complete Fire & Rescue ordinance.
NOTE: these unofficial ordinance excerpts are prepared as a convenience. Every effort has been made to ensure that it is accurate and correct. For a listing of official Village ordinances, please visit:
Knox Box Secured Key System
The fire department utilizes a secure entry key system from Knox Company. This system keeps
building keys secured on the premises. It allows the fire department to securely access the building without forcing entry or waiting for a key holder. Access to master keys are monitored and audited by a PIN. Village ordinance §180-21 requires the use of a secured key box system.
Hydrant Color Scheme Information
The hydrant color scheme has changed to provide better identification of municipal, private, and hydrants pressurized behind a fire pump. New construction is required to apply the scheme to new projects. The fire department will work with existing facilities for them to re-paint their hydrants according to the newly adopted color scheme. Click Here for the summary document.
Hydrant Storz Connection Retrofit Information
During a remodel or expansion you will likely be required to upgrade any existing private hydrants to be fitted with a Storz pumper connection replacing the standard threaded connection. This is not an adapter, but an actual replacement to the threaded pumper connection on the existing hydrant. This retrofit is only applicable to Mueller-branded hydrants. The document outlines the part number and also provides vendor and contractor information for replacing the Storz connection. See below for reference documentation.
Mueller Storz retrofit Part# 287304
Mueller recommended tools for retrofit installation
Mueller Rep contact information
Non-Mueller retrofit Storz Adapter
Document Downloads
Fire Protection Plan Review Permit Application
2025 Knox Box Permit.pdf
Knox Box Installation/Location Guidelines
Knox Box 4400 series specifications
FD-1 Fire Department Pumper Pad (FDC) Drawing
FD-2 Hydrant Bollard Detail
W-1 Standard Hydrant Detail
Hydrant Color Definition Quick-sheet
Fire Department Exterior Notification Device (Bell & Strobe) Drawing
Federal 131 ST/DST Strobe Spec. Sheet
Whelen ISB120 Strobe Spec. Sheet
Contact Us
If, after reviewing the provided material, there are questions or comments, you may contact us at the following e-mail address: [email protected] or by phone at 262.694.8027.
Our mailing address is:
Pleasant Prairie Fire & Rescue Department
8044-88th Avenue
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158