2025 Recycling Collection Calendar
Recycling Zone Map
Our recycling program makes recycling even easier than before! Watch How to: Recycle in the Prairie.
Recycling Saves Money and the Environment!
• The more recycling materials that are sorted out of the garbage stream, the lower the costs for
garbage collection.
• The more we recycle, the less we negatively impact our environment. Both locally and worldwide!
Automated Recycling!
Because our program is highly automated, it's important that you pay special attention to where and how you place your bin at the roadside.
• Be sure to have five feet between recycle bin and garbage bin.
• Place your bin at least five feet away from fire hydrants, telephone poles and other obstructions.
• Have your recyclables to the roadside by 6:30 a.m. on your scheduled pick-up day.
An automated recycling collection truck, with a single operator, will pick-up (with a remote arm) and dump your recycling bin and then return it safely to the ground.
A Great Time Saver
• No more sorting, all recyclables can all be placed in the same bin.
• Set your recyclables out every other week instead of every week.
Easier, Cleaner and More Convenient
• Newly designed bin has large wheels for easier transport to the road.
• Hinged cover helps with odor control and has a neater appearance.
Please Recycle! It Pays!
The more recycling materials that are sorted out of the garbage stream, the lower the costs for garbage collection. Here's why; the Village of Pleasant Prairie uses single stream recycling. Single stream recycling is a process where all recycling materials are combined together and then later sorted at a remote transfer site. This allows you to combine paper, cardboard and other recycling materials into one recycling cart. Since recycled materials do not have a tipping fee, as garbage does, the Village saves this fee, plus environmental fees and taxes. These savings area passed on to you. The more you recycle, the more everyone saves. Thank you for recycling!
Acceptable Recycling Items
• Corrugated cardboard
• Chip paper (cereal boxes)
• Mixed paper (magazines, newspapers & junk
• Office paper
• Shrink/stretch wrap
• All plastic bottles, cans & containers
• All glass containers
• All aluminum cans & containers
• All Steel cans & containers
In October 2019, recycling collectors no longer accept bagged recyclables. Recycling facilities consider recyclables that are held in plastic bags, such as aluminum cans in a plastic bag, as contaminated. Bagged recycling will be routed to the landfill.
Recyclables held in paper bags are considered clean and accepted at the recycling plant.
In the past, recycling facilities allowed a percentage of bagged recycling but now they reduced the percentage tolerated to zero. Pleasant Prairie Public Works collects 2200 tons of recycling every year. Currently about 16% (352 tons) of that recycling is in plastic bags, which would be routed to the landfill. It costs the Village $150 per ton of bagged recyclables to be dumped in the landfill. The community is doing a good job keeping recyclables loose in their carts but we need to increase this effort to not only help the environment but also bring collection costs down. You can help keep costs down and help the environment. Please keep your recyclables loose in the blue cart.
Non-Recyclable items
- Styrofoam
- Plastic bags (recycle at grocery stores)
• Recyclables placed out on the wrong week will not be collected.
• Recyclables will not be collected if any garbage or yard waste is found in recycle cart.
• Violations will be "tagged" with an explanation of the problem.
• Do not place garbage or recyclables in cardboard boxes.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding recycling and/or garbage, please telephone the Department of Public Works at 262.925.6700 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or email [email protected]
If you are interested in an additional recycling cart, there are two sizes available a 65 or 95 Gallon, cost for either size is $70.00. Please call Public Works at 262.925.6700 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The additional cart will be dropped off on next recycling collection day.