Village offices, including the Residential Recycling Center, will be closed on Good Friday, April 14. Offices will reopen for regular business hours on Monday, April 17, while the Residential Recycling Center will reopen for regular hours on Saturday, April 15.
Garbage and recycling collection will take place as regularly scheduled on Friday, April 14. Electronics and White goods will not be collected on Friday, April 14; these collections will instead be scheduled for Thursday, April 13.
RecPlex will be closed on Easter Sunday, April 16 and will reopen for regular business hours on Monday, April 17. The Village wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday weekend.
The March issue of the Village Newsletter is now available online. In this issue you'll find information related to: holiday garbage collection; the purchase of Abbott land; hazardous waste collection; spring leaf collection; statewide tornado drills; a Dark Store documentary; Pleasant Prairie Mini Maker Faire; and more.
To read the March issue of the Village Newsletter, please click "View PDF" below.
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