Much like employees in the private sector may participate in a charitable giving campaign through their employer, Village employees are invited to participate in an organization called InVEST. The name is an acronym for "Involved Village Employees Serving Together." InVEST is an independent entity, not overseen by Village administration or the Village Board, but ruled by its own Board and Executive Committee, which is comprised solely of Village employees.
InVEST collects funds through payroll deductions and then distributes these monies through Emergency and Charitable Funds. Each year, employees designate the charities that will receive support. During 2011, through the Charitable Fund, InVEST offered support to the Retired Service Volunteer Program through Kenosha Area Family & Aging Services, the INNS Program and Walkin in My Shoes. Final charities for 2012 have not yet been designated.
In addition to collecting funds through payroll deduction, the group conducts small fundraisers and community service projects throughout the year. Each year, during the month of November, InVEST conducts a "Month of Giving" campaign. During November and spilling into December, InVEST will sponsor or participate in:
- a food drive to contribute to the local food pantry,
- a program encouraging people to donate blood through a local blood bank,
- a hat, coat and mitten drive for youth and adults,
- a "take time for family" week, encouraging families to set aside a little extra time to share with their loved ones,
- a toy drive on behalf of the Toys for Tots program, and
- the Salvation Army "Adopt a Family" program, that matches teams of employees with local families who are experiencing a greater need
You are invited to participate in the charitable drives listed above. If you visit a Village municipal building such as RecPlex, Village Hall or the Roger Prange Municipal Center, please watch for drop boxes for the various drives to help support those in need in your local community. To learn more about InVEST, please email [email protected].