Change will lower increase in proposed property tax levy from 6% to 4.17%
On October 7, Village staff presented the proposed 2017 General Government Budget to the Village Board. The budget, as presented on October 7, proposed an increase in the municipal tax levy of approximately 6%. Since that time, staff has received final figures related to 2016 road paving projects and 2017 state road aids.
Final costs for a road paving project came in $180,000 less than expected. After opening the road to begin work on a project, Village engineers determined that the road base was in much better condition than expected and that they did not need to perform restoration work prior to repaving the road. The remaining unused funds will be rolled into the 2017 road maintenance budget. Additionally, the Village will receive $21,285 more than expected in road aid from the State of Wisconsin to complete 2017 paving projects.
Staff has updated the proposed 2017 General Government Budget to reflect these amounts. The change will lower the increase in the proposed property tax levy from 6% to 4.17%. With the proposed change to the 2017 General Government Budget, the Village portion of the property tax bill for a median valued home ($205,400) is expected to increase by $26.20 over the 2016 amount, as opposed to $42.25 as previously expected.
A public hearing related to the 2017 budget has been planned for Monday, November 21 at 6:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in the auditorium on the south side of Village Hall, located at 9915 39th Avenue. Information related to the proposed budget will be posted here prior to the November 21 meeting.