On July 11, Pleasant Prairie Police and Fire & Rescue Departments participated in a joint training event held with Kenosha County Emergency Medical Services personnel, the Kenosha Sheriff's Department Tactical Response Unit, Somers Fire Department, the Town of Salem Fire/Rescue, Bristol Fire & Rescue, Paris Fire/Rescue and representatives from Infinity Healthcare.
The training took place at Pleasant Prairie Elementary School and addressed active shooter scenarios.
The training was unique, because it involved an integrated response from both tactical/police personnel and fire and rescue/medic personnel. The training was intended to integrate medical interventions into a tactical response as soon as possible in order to garner a better outcome for potential victims. The concept is referred to as a Rescue Task Force technique.
Members of Infinity Healthcare, Kenosha Sheriff's Department, and Pleasant Prairie Police and Fire & Rescue designed and led the drill. It included a review of the Rescue Task Force concept and tactical medical techniques. It was followed by a number of live scenarios with follow-up discussions.
Plans have been set to expand the training to the entire Kenosha County Emergency Medical Services System.
The Pleasant Prairie Police and Fire & Rescue Departments would like to thank all of the partners who developed, participated in, observed, and provided feedback on the training.
"Our community becomes stronger and safer through the partnerships we form, whether they're with neighboring departments or the individuals we work to protect," explained Pleasant Prairie Police Chief David Smetana. "We greatly appreciate all of the partnerships that knit our community together and make it a safer place."
On Monday, August 15, Dr. Ben Feinzimer and P.A. Ben Kessel were recognized at a Village Board meeting for their dedication to the community and their assistance in preparing police and fire/rescue personnel to respond to mass casualty scenarios through the Rescue Task Force training. The Village would like to thank Dr. Feinzimer and P.A. Kessel for their involvement.
The Village would also like to thank all those who contribute to the safety of the Village through your daily concern for neighbors, your neighborhood, and your interactions with law enforcement and public safety personnel. We appreciate your willingness to help.