On Monday, July 18, 2016, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board approved an amendment to a Design Service Agreement with RA Smith National that will cover the cost of a wetland re-delineation in the Chateau Eau Plaines subdivision not to exceed $3,910. The re-delineation will be completed yet this summer.
RA Smith National, a WIDNR (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources) "assured delineator" completed a wetland delineation for this area in September 2015 as part of a contract to design proposed storm water improvements for the Chateau Eau Plaines area. The WIDNR issued an exemption letter in December 2015 exempting certain wetlands on 105th Avenue and 107th Avenue, because the wet areas were identified within a residential drainage ditch.
On June 7, 2016, Village staff met with the WIDNR and the USACOE (United States Army Corps of Engineers) to review storm water improvements it has been attempting to plan for the area. During the meeting and site walk through, because there was standing water in some ditch lines from recent rains, the WIDNR and ACOE representatives believed that the residential drainage ditches could potentially be classified as wetlands, which could lead to the roadside ditches being becoming Federally regulated wetlands. The WIDNR and ACOE requested that the wetlands in the project area be re-delineated.
Village staff has been attempting to address flooding and drainage issues in the Chateau Eau Plaines area since 1992 when proposed drainage improvements were not constructed due to resident opposition to related project costs (75% of the total cost). During 2008 and 2009, large storms caused significant damage to homes in the area due to flooding.
Since that time, Village staff has pursued but has not been able to obtain grant funding to help offset costs related to storm water improvements. Between 2012 and 2014, the Village pursued a storm water improvement concept contracted for in 2011. The design could not proceed due to wetland permitting issues.
During 2015, the Village contracted with RA Smith to delineate wetlands and form a new plan to address the storm water issues in the Chateau Eau Plaines area. Village staff will continue its work to address drainage issues in the residential subdivision.