The dog park at Ingram Park (5724 93rd Street) features two sections, one for larger dogs and one for smaller dogs. The dog park is open from dawn until dusk daily. Fees for dog park tags follow. The fees collected are used for upkeep and future improvements to the dog park.
Village resident for first dog - $20
Senior (60+)/disabled - $10
Non-resident for first dog - $25
Additional tag for each dog (up to 3) - $5
Annual tag replacement fee - $5
Village resident per dog/per day - $2
Non-resident per dog/per day - $5
A pay station, similar to those used in State parks has been placed at the entrance to the dog park for those who would like to pay for their dog park tag on a daily basis. Those wishing to purchase an annual dog park tag can visit Village Hall at 9915 39th Avenue between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).
The related rules are also posted at the entrance to the dog park. The Village would like to thank all dog owners for their consideration of others as they and their dogs engage in play.