Pleasant Prairie uses a service called Nixle that allows public safety officials to send text messages and email to subscribers in the event of a public safety emergency such as: a missing child or person, police activity, evacuations, severe weather-related emergencies, and other dangerous situations. If a devastating weather or emergency event occurs, Nixle will be one of the Village's main channels of direct communication to residents regarding public safety information (and one of the fastest/most efficient).
The Village also posts emergency information to PleasantPrairieOnline.com, to Time Warner Cable Channel 25 or Channel 99 on AT&T U-Verse, Twitter, and communicates information to local media for broadcast via radio, television and the internet. In certain circumstances the Village will also request a reverse 911 call to landline telephones. As landline technology ages and as many households choose to live without a landline telephone, this option becomes a less reliable means of emergency contact.
In order to receive emergency text messages from Pleasant Prairie on your smart phone, visit Nixle.com, click the "Learn More" button under "Residents," and click "Sign Up" at the bottom of the page. Then follow the directions you see there. Use Pleasant Prairie's zip code 53158, and don't forget to reply "YES" to Nixle's text in order to begin receiving emergency messages.