Work to Begin Between June 23 and July 4
Work to construct improvements at the intersection of Springbrook Road, 93rd Street, and 29th Avenue is expected to begin as early as June 23. Plans call for the intersection to be converted into a three-way stop with an additional stop sign for traffic entering Springbrook Road from 93rd Street or 29th Avenue and an additional stop sign for westbound traffic transitioning from Springbrook Road to 93rd Street or 29th Avenue.
Traffic traveling on Springbrook Road will not be required to stop unless exiting Springbrook Road to access 93rd Street or 29th Avenue. A contractor will construct a concrete, curbed, triangular median to help guide traffic through the intersection. A concrete curb will also be constructed at the western corner of the intersection of Springbrook Road and 93rd Street.
Prior to the start of work at the intersection, signage will be placed notifying travelers of the new traffic pattern. Those driving through the work area should plan for slight travel delays. Drivers in the area are asked to use extreme care when traveling through the area and to abide by traffic control signs for the safety of all.