Free Admission...Activities and Workshops...Inspiring Ideas...Craft Vendors
Have you ever wondered, "how it's made or why it's made that way"? Join us at the Pleasant Prairie Mini Maker Faire on Saturday, November 26 from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at RecPlex to meet the Makers and ask them for yourself! Admission to the event is free, though advance registration is strongly recommended. The Maker Movement encourages making of all kinds, which by its very nature is "hands-on." Hands-on youth workshops and activities planned for the Pleasant Prairie Mini Maker Faire include:
- pottery workshops (throughout the day)
- modeling make and take (throughout the day)
- Nerdy Derby (throughout the day)
- Tinkercad (throughout the day)
- pressmen hats with Kenosha News (throughout the day)
- thermo forming masks (throughout the day)
- Electric Beats (throughout the day)
- virtual welding (throughout the day)
- help make a solar charged lamp (throughout the day)
- launch paper airplanes (throughout the day)
- use a ham radio (throughout the day)
- try your hand at calligraphy (throughout the day)
Most of the activities available are free or very low cost and will be offered throughout the day while activity supplies last. There's more, learn from other amazing Makers!
Meet an amateur telescope maker. Learn how to use a spinning wheel. Meet Kenosha Lego Masters and a balloon twister. Learn about electricity with UW-Parkside. See robots, energy efficient vehicles, and more with LakeView Tech. Learn about 3D printing with Gateway, Milwaukee Maker Space, and Kronik3d. See a prototype for electric streets. Learn about creating a Maker Space and making rockets. Meet the Lost in Space Robot (replica). Watch a blacksmith complete the final step of making steel roses. And, watch as Lakeview Tech students use trebuchets to launch pumpkins.
Crafters will also be selling: hand-blown glass, hand-crafted functional porcelain, blacksmithed art, Inkies (wearable/huggable) art, the Glue Looper, crocheted and knit apparel, laser engraved novelties, and quilts and felted items. Famous Daves, Mondo De La Rosa, and LA Grill will also be on site selling food items throughout the day.
MakerFairePleasantPrairie.com to get your free tickets today. Please note that our list of Makers and vendors may change as the event draws near. Please help us thank our amazing sponsors: Make Magazine, Gateway Technical College, Leeward Business Advisors, the Kenosha Area Convention and Visitor's Bureau, Catalyst Exhibits, K-Log, Herzing University, Educators Credit Union, Kenosha News, AT&T, the Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce, Connections Academy, Corner Bakery, and Culvers of Pleasant Prairie.