![](https://cdnsm5-hosted.civiclive.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_6079530/Image/news/News Archive/2016/Voting button.jpg)
All residents requesting an absentee ballot or voting at the polls on Election Day will be required to provide a valid document establishing their proof of identification before a ballot will be issued. The following photo IDs are acceptable for voting purposes and can be unexpired or expired after the date of the most recent general election, which was November 4, 2014:
- A Wisconsin DOT-issued driver license, even if driving privileges are revoked or suspended
- A Wisconsin DOT-issued identification card
- Military ID card issued by a U.S. uniformed service
- A U.S. passport book or card
The following photo IDs are also acceptable for voting purposes:
- A certificate of naturalization (that was issued not earlier than two years before the date of an election)
- An identification card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in Wisconsin
- A driver license receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT (valid for 45 days from date issued)
- An identification card receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT (valid for 45 days from date issued)
- A photo identification card issued by a Wisconsin accredited university, college, or technical college that contains the following: the date the card was issued; signature of student; expiration date no later than two years after date of issuance; and the ID must be accompanied by a separate document that proves enrollment
In order to vote in the Village of Pleasant Prairie, you must be a registered voter. The State of Wisconsin has set the following minimum requirements to register: you must be 18 years of age on Election Day; you must be a U.S. citizen; and you must reside in the Village of Pleasant Prairie for at least ten (10) consecutive days before an election.
For the November 8 General Election, you may register to vote at Village Hall during regular business hours until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 4. Voter Registration Applications submitted by mail must be received or be postmarked no later than October 19, 2016 or the applications cannot be processed. You may also register to vote at the polls on Election Day.
Voter Registration Applications are available at Village Hall (9915 39th Avenue), or you may download this application by
clicking here. A Voter Registration Application must also be completed for all name and address changes.
Proof of residence is required at all times when registering to vote or when updating a name or address change. An acceptable proof of residence document listed below must contain the current name and current address of the registrant, and it must be valid on the day used to register to vote.
- A WI Driver License / ID Card, if not expired or cancelled, may be used even if driving privileges have been revoked (revoked or suspended licenses can be used)
- Any other official identification card or license issued by a Wisconsin governmental body or unit
- An employee ID card with a photograph, but not a business card
- A real property tax bill or receipt for the current year or the year preceding the date of the election
- A residential lease (does not count as proof of residence if elector submits form by mail)
- A photo ID from a university, college or technical college coupled with a fee receipt or an on-campus housing listing provided by the university, college or technical college to the municipality that denotes U.S. Citizenship
- A utility bill for the period commencing not earlier than 90 days before the day registration is made
- A bank statement
- A paycheck
- A check or other document issued by a unit of government
- Homeless voters only - a letter from an organization that provides services to the homeless that identifies the voter and describes the location designated as the person's residence for voting purposes
- A contract or intake document prepared by a residential care facility indicating that the occupant resides in the facility
Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot. A qualified elector is any U.S. citizen who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, who has resided in the ward of the municipality where he or she wishes to vote for at least ten (10) consecutive days before the election.
The elector must be registered in the Village of Pleasant Prairie before an absentee ballot request will be processed. Absentee Ballot requests must be submitted in writing when requesting a ballot be sent by mail. Requests can be submitted in person or by mail, email, or facsimile transmission. Upon request, an Application for Absentee Ballot can be mailed to you, or you may download this form by
clicking here.
A written request, other than completing an Application of Absentee Ballot, must list your current name, current voting address within the municipality, and the address where the absentee ballot should be sent. The last day to submit a request for an Absentee Ballot to be sent by mail to you for the November 8 General Election is Thursday, November 3 at 5:00 p.m. PHOTO ID IS REQUIRED - a valid form of photo ID, as listed above, must be submitted with a request for an absentee ballot to be sent by mail. Military, Overseas and Indefinitely Confined voters are exempt.
You may personally visit Village Hall (9915 39th Avenue) to vote an absentee ballot Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. beginning Monday, October 3 and through Friday, November 4. PHOTO ID IS REQUIRED - a valid form of photo ID as listed above must be presented before an absentee ballot will be issued. Special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who are indefinitely confined to home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized or in service as a sequestered juror. Contact the Village Clerk directly if any of these situations apply.
To check the status of your voter registration, find your polling location, obtain an absentee ballot request form, and find other voting information, please
click here; visit Village Hall (9915 39th Avenue) Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; telephone the Village Clerk at 262.694.1400; or email
[email protected]. You may also visit