Pleasant Prairie's water and sewer utilities are operated as "enterprise funds." They are called enterprise funds, because they are operated like a business and are not supported by property tax payments. Instead, these areas receive income from fees charged for services provided and grants. This income is then used to cover operating expenses, large capital purchases or improvements, and to pay down debt for the enterprise.
Pleasant Prairie uses the enterprise fund structure to more fairly distribute the expense associated with the service provided to all who either benefit from or have an impact on the enterprise. If the cost for operating these enterprises was included on your property tax bill, some properties that are the largest users of a service (water, for example) wouldn't pay for the service they receive at all, because they are tax exempt.
During 2016, the water utility constructed a water distribution main along Sheridan Road and extended water main from Springbrook Road to Highway 31 in order to better protect the integrity of the water system as the Village continues to develop and grow. Water main was extended on Highway H from 116th to 122nd Street. Staff performed water meter and hydrant maintenance and upgrades; improved pressure-reducing pits; and installed a reservoir mixer to help prevent freezing during extreme temperatures.
The sewer utility continued to identify areas where rain water leaks into the sanitary sewer system in order to repair them and reduce the amount of inflow and infiltration in order to lower treatment costs. Staff constructed a sanitary sewer relief line in order to eliminate the need to rebuild a sewer lift station (Heritage Valley).
During a November 21 meeting, the Village Board considered and approved the 2017 budgets for the water and sewer utilities. The budgets, as approved, will keep rates for water and sewer services steady during 2017 with no increase in rates.
Pleasant Prairie's water and sewer rates are based on the size of the meter and the volume of water used. Water rates are tiered based on the number of gallons consumed; while sewer rates are calculated with a winter-based average to account for water used on lawns or in yards that will not pass through the sanitary sewer system. Pleasant Prairie posts utility rates (fees) and more detailed utility information here.
During 2017, the water utility has plans to repaint the 93rd Street Booster Reservoir and to have a water system model created that will help the utility plan for future water infrastructure and will enable it to operate in the most efficient manner possible. Staff will perform water meter and hydrant maintenance and upgrades and will improve another of three pressure-reducing pits to help prevent water main breaks.
During 2017, the sewer utility will continue its work to reduce the amount of inflow and infiltration in the Zirbel Drainage Basin. Staff will rebuild the Bentz lift station. Security fencing will be installed around the 192 lift station, and staff will create a sanitary sewer master plan. Utility staff will continue to leverage advances in industry technology to streamline ongoing operations and improve efficiency in order to help control costs.
The water utility, which made its last debt payment during 2015, remains debt free. At the end of 2017, the sewer utility is expected to have approximately $3.1 million in outstanding principal. The Village intends to continue setting aside funds annually to pay down the remaining debt by 2020 and to build reserves for future infrastructure replacement. Moving forward, the Village will work to complete improvements and capital projects without borrowing whenever practical.
To learn more about the 2017 water and sewer utility budgets please see the November 21 Village board e-packet here.