On Monday November 6, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board approved an ordinance amendment which set into motion the process to create the Pleasant Prairie Convention and Visitors Bureau (PPCVB). The formation of the PPCVB is in its early stages, with work still to be done. The goal is to have the PPCVB functioning by January 1, 2018.
Wisconsin Statutes, establishes a hotel/motel room tax at the rate of 8% of the gross receipts for lodging facilities. Currently 90% of all hotel/motel room tax revenues collected must be paid to a sanctioned convention and visitor's nonprofit entity. The average amount paid out has been $550,000 per year. With the action taken by the Village Board, a Village Travel and Tourism Fund to be financed by the allocation and distribution of Village hotel/motel tax revenues collected under Chapter 320-3 of the Village Municipal Ordinance has been created.
With the Village Board approval, the hotel/motel room tax revenues will be used to establish and perpetuate a Pleasant Prairie Convention and Visitors Bureau, which shall use these revenues to promote tourism and to attract conventions and related activities to the Village. The Village Board understands it has the fiduciary responsibility to support tax paying businesses in the Village and to further promote those entities and foster Village related tourism. The statutes require the establishment of a separate board of directors to oversee the operation of this nonprofit entity.
While the Village of Pleasant Prairie greatly appreciates the past support and efforts of the Kenosha Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (KACVB) in supporting Pleasant Prairie related events and businesses, the Village Board believes the Village itself now has the capacity to promote its own amenities and businesses through the new PPCVB. The KACVB has done a tremendous job over the years supporting and promoting City of Kenosha events. Over the past few years, the Village has questioned whether it has received the full benefit of the KACVB and its resources, feeling that many Pleasant Prairie events, attractions and businesses were not getting the equal marketing support from the KACVB, thus reducing Pleasant Prairie's visibility.
As a community with continued growth, the Village believes it's time to forge ahead with its own CVB to market, promote and showcase the Village and its amenities including, programs and special events at RecPlex which is the largest municipal recreation center in the U.S., Premium Outlets shopping center, businesses in the Prairie Ridge development along Highway 50, as well as the many businesses in Pleasant Prairie, both large and small. The funds allocated from room tax dollars to the PPCVB will be used in a more efficient and direct way to market and promote business, events and tourism in the Village, rather than using these resources to promote City of Kenosha events.
While the creation of the PPCVB will undoubtedly benefit Pleasant Prairie, the Village is still willing to work with the KACVB to promote the entire area. The more intensive promotion of Pleasant Prairie events will continue to cross-promote and advance the area in that events that occur in Pleasant Prairie will lead visitors to visit businesses and attractions in the City of Kenosha and throughout Kenosha County.
Establishment of a Pleasant Prairie Convention and Visitors Bureau.pdf