During a public hearing on Monday, December 11, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission approved a Resolution to amend the Village Comprehensive Plan and sent a favorable recommendation to the Village Board to conditionally approve the amendment related to property located at 6939 88th Avenue (HWY H). The petitioner, Rabbi Betzalel Wilschanski is requesting to amend a portion of the Prairie Lake Neighborhood Plan to be used for an institutional use for a Chabad of Kenosha Synagogue/Learning Center instead of residential development as shown on the adopted land use plan.
It is proposed that the site will be developed to include a 5,200 square foot Jewish synagogue as a place of worship and study center. The main building would include a gathering space, library, classrooms, a mikvah, two guest rooms, restrooms and a kitchen. It will also include a 3,000 square foot hospitality home which will serve as a place for members who need a place to stay in order to observe religious practices and who need access to a kosher facility. The facility will be completed in four phases. During phase one they the land will be purchased and the existing home on the property will be renovated. Installing the municipal water main will be phase two. The third phase will be the construction of the synagogue, parking lots and storm water retention facility. Phase three would likely be completed within the next five years, and the final phase will be to construct is the hospitality house.
Chabad of Kenosha's mission is to serve Jewish people living in Kenosha and its surrounding communities and will continue to be a partner and resource to the surrounding community. The facility will be open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays with activities and worship being held on Saturdays. There will be one full-time and 4 part-time employees at the facility. The prayer hall is proposed to have regular seating for 50 people, but they anticipate that number to be lower. On special events the facility will be able to accommodate up to 100 people.
Plan Amendment Allows for Chabad of Kenosha Synagogue Learning Center.pdf