Winter weather in Pleasant Prairie this season has brought us a varied mix of bitter cold and snow along with at and above freezing temperatures. In light of the wide range of temperatures we've been experiencing, the Village would like to echo the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as they remind us that when it comes to winter weather activities a general rule of thumb is that no ice is safe ice.
Ice on lakes, ponds, and rivers are affected not just by temperatures but the physical attributes of the body of water, and ice should never be considered completely safe.
Winter enthusiasts who visit Lake Andrea, the ponds in Ingram Park, or other bodies of water in the Village for recreational purposes are asked to take the proper safety precautions before heading out onto the ice (or before letting a family pet play on the ice).
The Wisconsin DNR has ice safety recommendations posted at the following link that can help you prepare in advance of some winter weather fun dnr.wi.gov/topic/outdoorrecreation/activities/icesafety.html.