Do you love living or working in Pleasant Prairie? Would you be willing to tell us why?
Is it a particularly pretty view?
Your favorite spot to visit for some down time?
Is it good neighbors?
Or a good memory?
Is it part of your daily routine that you love?
Or a weekend activity?
Is it many things all rolled into one?
Village staff is looking for residents' help to describe the best parts of living and/or working in Pleasant Prairie. As we develop some new content for the Village website, we're interested in how you would describe the best parts of living in the Village. We're hoping that if there's something you like about living here, other people may too.
If you have a story that you would like to share, please send us a photo attached to a quick email. Include your first and last name in the email along with your contact information and a short story telling us what you enjoy about life in Pleasant Prairie. Please also let us know if we have your permission to share your story on our website or in other communication channels.
Photos and stories should be appropriate for all audiences. Photo attachments should total no more than 9 MB in size. Please send photos that you have permission to share publicly.
Stories without photos are also welcome. Send your photos and stories to Chris at [email protected].