When can a car enter a bike lane?
bicycle lanes are incorporated into more roads throughout our
community, questions arise relating to the responsibilities of
bicyclists and motorists who are sharing the road. One of the questions
asked most frequently is whether or not an automobile can drive in a
bicycle lane. The answer follows.
There are limited times when an
automobile may merge into a designated bike lane. According to state
statute, “No operator of a motor vehicle may drive upon a bicycle lane
or bicycle way except to enter a driveway, to merge into a bicycle lane
before turning at an intersection, or to enter or leave a parking space
located adjacent to the bicycle lane or bicycle way.” It is illegal for
a motor vehicle to enter a bike lane to pass another vehicle.
Village would like to remind drivers to please use extra care when
sharing the road with bicyclists. The Wisconsin Department of
Transportation reminds motorists that:
• Bicycles are vehicles. They belong on the road.
• Cyclists need room to get around potholes, sewer grates and other obstructions.
• Leave at least three feet when passing bicycles, more room at higher speeds.
• Change lanes to pass any bicycle in a narrow lane.
Train yourself to scan for fast moving bicycles and motorcycles, and
for pedestrians, when making a turn and before leaving a stop light or
stop sign.
The Village would like to thank both drivers and
bicyclists for obeying traffic safety rules and respecting other
travelers on the roadway.