Emergency Delivery

Emergency Delivery
Posted on 06/16/2017

On Monday, June 5, three members of Pleasant Prairie Fire & Rescue were awarded Unit Citations for their role in the successful delivery of a baby boy while en route to the hospital with an expectant mother on March 26, 2017. Firemedics Marshell Gontscharow, Zachary Keller, and Ronald Weavel received commendations.

As the three Firemedics were transporting the expectant mother to the hospital it became clear that they would not make it in time. The rescue squad pulled to the side of the road, where the baby was then safely delivered.
Following the presentation of the Unit Citations to the Firemedics, Larry Nelson, grandfather of the newborn baby boy, presented Pleasant Prairie Fire & Rescue with a donation to mark the occasion. Nelson donated the funds to purchase three portable toddler seats which will be placed in each of the Village’s three rescue squads.

The Pleasant Prairie Fire & Rescue Department wishes to commend these three Firemedics for their professional response and to sincerely thank the Larry Nelson family for their donation of three portable toddler seats to the benefit of
the community.
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