The past thirty-two years have been an incredible experience. During my time in Wisconsin, Pleasant Prairie has evolved from a small township with limited resources into a vibrant Village with a balance of residential neighborhoods, business development, and natural and recreational spaces. I credit the vision and direction of our Village Board members (both past and present), strong community partners in both the public and private sectors, the ability of Village Department Heads to provide quality municipal services to a changing and growing village, and residents that were willing to guide and support the changes taking place within our community.
This is why it's bittersweet to announce that as of May 31, 2017, I'll be retiring from my position as Village Administrator. It's been a true honor to serve the community alongside some really great people for the past three decades. Relationships have played a primary role in moving our community forward. I'd like to thank each member of the Village Board for the cooperative working relationship we've shared and their insightful guidance. The relationship the Board has shared with both myself and staff has been a rare gift that doesn't come along very often.
I'd also like to recognize the substantial contributions made by former Senator Joe Andrea, former Kenosha County Executive John Collins (who helped the town incorporate into a Village), and current Kenosha County Executive Jim Kreuser that allowed our community to find economic balance with the ultimate goal of long-term sustainability. Every challenge we encountered and each plan that was laid to strengthen our community were professionally rewarding and made being Administrator of Pleasant Prairie the job of a lifetime. I'd like to think that both common sense and people have been at the heart of every plan the Village has prepared and every action we've taken to grow, protect and stabilize our small corner of the world.
The Village will be left in good hands. With a Village Board that has guided our community without fear or favor and a dedicated professional staff to carry out the Board's vision, Pleasant Prairie will continue to move forward. The Village Board conducted a national search for the next Administrator and has recently been interviewing potential candidates for the position. My family will continue to live in Pleasant Prairie, and I want to continue my volunteer service with KHDS and KAC and help the Village in any way that I can.
A community is the sum of all of the people who live and work within it along with their actions. Pleasant Prairie is a stronger, safer place because of you, the people who live and work here, and your relationship with the people elected and employed to guide, serve and protect the community. I wholeheartedly appreciate my interactions and experience with everyone over the past thirty-two years. It's been a challenging, colorful and rewarding career.