Do you have photos that capture the beauty of our community?
Enter your photos in the Through Your Frame photo contest. Your photos could appear in the 2018 Village Calendar and Resource Directory mailed to each home in the Village, or they could appear in other Village publications, on the Village website, or on our social media accounts.
We're seeking photos that express the natural beauty of the Village of Pleasant Prairie and a strong sense of our community. Photos can emphasize natural scenes, landmarks, attractions, local events, recreational and community activities.
Photos will be judged based on content and quality. The entry form is available by clicking "View PDF" below or at Village Hall (9915 39th Avenue). A completed entry form must be submitted for each photo.
Entries shared between June 1 and August 31 will be judged on September 5 and three winners will be selected. Entries shared between September 1 and December 8 will be judged on December 12 and three winners will be selected. Three winners will be selected during each of the phases described above. Winners of each phase will receive a gift certificate to a Pleasant Prairie restaurant. Winners will be contacted via phone call. Winners will be announced on Village of Pleasant Prairie Facebook page and Village Newsletter.
Contest Rules:
1. Anyone is eligible to enter the contest; however, the photos must be taken within the Village of Pleasant Prairie. Minors must have parental consent.
2. Employees of the Village of Pleasant Prairie are not eligible to win prizes for their submissions.
3. Photos must not feature the intellectual property of others (i.e. a registered trademark) and must be in good taste.
4. Entries must be received by the deadlines provided in order to be eligible.
5. Either digital images or prints may be submitted: digital images by email to [email protected]; and prints by mail to Through Your Frame Pleasant Prairie, 9915 39th Avenue, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158; and prints in person to Village Hall, at the same address. All photos must be in color, minimum of 4" x 6", maximum 8" x 10". Digital images must be in JPG format and between 2 and 10 MB in size. An email with attachments totaling 10 MB or more will not make it through our email server.
6. If submitting a print in person or by mail, include the entrant's name, address and phone number on a label on the back of each photo. Do not write directly onto the photo. If submitting via email, include the entrant's name, address and phone number in the email.
7. Each photo must be submitted with an entry form, which includes a publicity release/permission to reprint form. Entry forms are available online at PleasantPrairieOnline.com in PDF format or at Village Hall. Please return your completed entry form along with your photo submission.
8. All entries become the property of the Village of Pleasant Prairie and will not be returned.
9. The Village of Pleasant Prairie reserves the right to crop photos.
10. Every attempt will be made to provide photo credit; but it is not guaranteed for all uses of the image by the Village.
11. The Village of Pleasant Prairie assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to submitted photos.
12. All accepted photos may be used in various media formats for an unlimited amount of time and at no cost to the Village of Pleasant Prairie.
13. Contest entrants agree to all the rules and regulations set forth and by the decisions made by the judges.
14. Judges' decisions are final and no communication will be entered into.
15. The Village of Pleasant Prairie is not responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect information.
16. If the contest is not able to run as planned, the Village of Pleasant Prairie reserves the right to suspend or cancel the contest without notice.
17. If a photo has people in it, whomever is in the photo must sign a photo release form. The form must be submitted along with the photo. Minors must have parent or guardian sign the photo release form.
Questions related to the photo contest can be directed to [email protected] or Emily at 262.925.6701.