During May of 2016, two properties in the Village Green Center, a future downtown area in the demographic center of Pleasant Prairie, were dedicated for use as Village Parks. During November of 2016, the Village and its park planning consultant, Ayers and Associates, hosted a public planning meeting to gather community input that could be incorporated into conceptual plans that would guide the future construction of the parks. Attendees heard an overview of the park planning process and participated in a visual preference survey and small group charrette (a design/planning activity). Attendees also had an opportunity to share feedback regarding whether the parks should be passive or active parks and what types of amenities, opportunities, and programs the group envisioned in the future parks.
The two parks have been provisionally named Neighborhood Commons and Village Square. Village Square will be roughly 150,000 square feet in size with 350 feet of frontage along the west side of 39th Avenue. Neighborhood Commons will be just under 200,000 square feet with 300 feet of frontage along the west side of Springbrook Road, near the Pleasant Prairie Post Office. Ayers and Associates incorporated the community input into draft concept plans that were presented to the Village Park Commission for their review and comment on January 4, 2017. The draft plans are shown in the January Village Newsletter. Staff within the Village Community Development Department also reviewed the draft plans and provided feedback.
A large amount of feedback was shared during the Park Commission meeting regarding the two concept plans. The feedback is being shared with Ayers and Associates and will be incorporated into a revised pair of plans with a considerable number of changes. An audio recording of the Park Commission discussion is available by clicking here and selecting the January 2017 file.
After plans have been revised, they will be shared with residents during a Park Commission meeting (likely in February or March) before they are presented for incorporation into the Master Park Plan. Along with the final conceptual park plans, Ayers and Associates will provide a grading plan for the new parks, a utility cross section, and a rough budget for construction of the future parks. There is currently no timeline for the construction of the parks. The plans will be kept on file until private development of the area is underway and funds become available.
Park Commission meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Auditorium. Park Commission meeting agendas can be found by clicking here.