The Wisconsin Marathon will take place on Saturday, May 6. The race course begins and ends in the City of Kenosha, and a portion of the marathon course travels into the Village of Pleasant Prairie along the lake shore in the Carol Beach area.
For the safety of racers and those along the course, access to and in the area of 3rd Avenue near the lake shore will be limited to local traffic only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Residents living along the course will have access to and from homes.
Law enforcement and/or course marshals will guide local traffic through the course as gaps in the groups of runners allow. Please plan extra time for travel through the area during the race to allow for the greatest safety of all involved.
Sporting events, like the Wisconsin Marathon and the Pleasant Prairie and Iron Girl Triathlons, bring thousands of visitors to the community each year, bolstering our local economy through restaurant, hotel and retail spending. All are invited to the race to help welcome and to cheer the athletes on.
To learn more about the Wisconsin Marathon and opportunities to participate, or to view a course map, please visit WisconsinMarathon.com. You'll also find a course by clicking "View PDF" below.
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