On Monday, October 15, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board considered and approved a Purchase and Sale Agreement for approximately 72 acres of vacant land from Land and Lakes Development Co. to the Village in the amount of approximately $3.7 million. This agreement was for the vacant property located along both sides of Springbrook Road and west of 39th Avenue, also known as the Village Green Center.
As part of fostering a sense of identity for the Village, planning originally began in 1994 for a “downtown” style Village center that would become a destination location. The project was given the name Village Green Center. In the late 1990s, planning was put on hold until residential growth could accommodate a retail-based community center. In late 2007, planning resumed. Throughout 2008 and 2009 community planners and the developer of the property have continued work on plans for the Village Green Center but at a slower pace due to the impacts of the economic recession. With the housing market and economy now recovering from recession struggles, renewed planning efforts for the area are taking place. Earlier this year, Land and Lakes Development Co. approached the Village about selling the property. Those discussions resulted in a mutual agreement that the development of the Village Green Center would be easier if the property came under the Village’s control.
“We are eager to get this project started and put the Village of Pleasant Prairie on the map by creating a sense of space and place for our community,” said Nathan Thiel, Village Administrator, “This downtown area will also create a central location for residents to enjoy community events and activities.