2020 Spring Election

Pleasant Prairie Drive-thru Absentee Voting for 2020 Spring Election
Posted on 03/20/2020
The Village of Pleasant Prairie is asking residents to vote using an absentee ballot for the Spring Election and Presidential Preference Primary (April 7). The absentee voting system allows residents to vote early in-person or by mail. 

In-person absentee voting
The Village will host drive-thru absentee voting, starting March 23 through April 3. Absentee voting will be held at the Roger Prange Municipal Center (8600 Green Bay Road), Monday to Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Residents who come to the Village Auditorium will be redirected to the Prange Center. The goal is to limit exposure while giving residents a convenient voting option. As voters pull into the Prange Center, signage will direct drivers where to go. Voters should bring their own black pen (please no gel or sharpies) photo ID (Passport, State ID, or Driver’s License), and in case the voter is not registered, proof of residency (utility bill or bank statement). Car Windows only need to be opened sufficient to slip a ballot back and forth through the driver’s window. 

By-mail absentee voting
Voters must be registered and submit an application with a copy of photo ID (a selfie does not qualify as a photo ID) to receive an absentee ballot in the mail. The deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail is Thursday, April 2, at 5:00 p.m. The easiest way to request an absentee ballot is to visit myvote.wi.gov/en-us. Residents can also download and print an application from pleasantprairiewi.gov/vote, under the absentee voting tab. Residents who print an application should complete, attach a copy of photo ID, and place in the Village Hall drop box or return by mail to the Village Clerk’s office, 9915 39th Avenue.

The Village understands the important role voting plays in our democracy, and is making every effort to provide access to a fair and impartial election while still protecting public health. The public should be aware that COVID-19 has placed significant stress in managing this spring election in terms of answering phone calls, processing the significant rise in applications, securing sufficient envelopes, mailing out ballots, losing trained poll-workers due to health and safety concerns, and training new poll workers. We appreciate and ask for your patience. The Village Clerk’s office can be reached by phone at 262.694.1400 or by email at election@pleasantprairiewi.gov.

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