On Monday, January 3, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission considered and approved Site and Operational Plans which included a Conditional Use Permit, and 1st Amendment to the Digital Security Imaging System (DSIS) Agreement, Amended DSIS Easement, and recommend approval of the Zoning Text Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment to the Village Board for the request of Brad Fry, agent for Kwik Trip, Inc. related to the reconstruction of the existing Kwik Trip #975 gasoline, convenience store, and carwash facility located at 8800 75th Street.
In 2017, Kwik Trip purchased the existing PDQ gasoline, convenience store, and carwash which was originally constructed in 1997. In 2018, Kwik Trip removed the previously existing detached carwash and reconstructed a new 1,949 square foot, single lane carwash facility in the same location.
Driveway access to State Trunk Highway 50 is planned to be removed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. To improve access to the facility, Kwik Trip will raze the existing convenience store, canopy, and fueling dispensers; and reconstruct a new 7,370 square foot convenience store with eight fueling dispensers (16 fueling positions) under a new canopy with the fueling dispensers relocating on the east side of the property. The existing detached carwash on the west side of the property will remain in its current location. The two existing access points to 74th Street will remain.
Construction is expected to begin this summer with completion scheduled in December 2022. The facility will be open 24 hours. This facility is proposing to hire 20 full-time employees and eight part-time employees. This is one of five Kwik Trips in operation within the Village of Pleasant Prairie.