Every ten years, to align with County, State, and Federal redistricting, the Village Clerk redraws ward maps. The process involves adjusting the lines of voting wards to account for the convenience of voters, population shifts, and other standards.
For the upcoming 2022 Election Cycle, two new local electoral wards have been established with one additional polling location. The new voter redistricting map was created from the 2020 Census data.
Village Polling Places
The Village will have all polling places open for voting during the 2022 Election Cycle. Redistricting in the Village of Pleasant Prairie created many Ward adjustments. Changes may or may not have affected your Election Day polling place. Visit
MyVote.Wi.gov and select “Find My Polling Place” from the main menu at the top of the page, or contact the Village Clerk’s office at 262.694.1400 to ensure you visit the correct polling location on Election Day.
• Wards 1, 2, 3
Village Hall – Auditorium (South entrance)
9915 39th Avenue, Pleasant Prairie
• Wards 4, 5
Village Hall – Courtroom (North entrance)
9915 39th Avenue, Pleasant Prairie
• Wards 6, 7
Caterpillar College Preschool
8411 Old Green Bay Road, Pleasant Prairie
• Wards 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
RecPlex (South entrance)
9900 Terwall Terrace, Pleasant Prairie
• Ward 11
Pleasant Prairie History Museum (West
3875 116th Street, Pleasant Prairie