Proposed Zoning Text Amendments

Proposed Amendments Allowing Beer Gardens
Posted on 10/17/2022
Members of the Plan Commission met on October 17 for a public hearing that considered Zoning Text Amendments for the PR-3, Regional Park-Recreational Zoning District regulations. The amendments propose allowing permitted uses, such as food trucks that do not serve alcoholic beverages and beer gardens with or without live entertainment, to exist in designated areas within Prairie Springs Park. Following a presentation from Village staff and the public hearing, the Plan Commission unanimously approved the Zoning Text Amendments and sent favorable recommendations to the Village Board. 

"Village staff has received requests to establish a permanent beer garden and allow food trucks in Prairie Springs Park; however, the current Village Zoning Text does not allow this type of use,” stated Director of Community Development Jean Werbie-Harris. “Since the pandemic, outdoor eating in open spaces and beer gardens have become extremely popular, and these proposed adjustments will accommodate the local interest in establishing these types of amenities." 

Interest in having a permanent beer garden at Prairie Springs Park grew following the success of the Pop-up Biergarten that took place earlier this summer on the west end of Lake Andrea. The event featured German and craft beer, ciders, hard seltzer, live music, and food vendors. The proposed Zoning Text Amendments expand the possibility of creating an establishment and making a beer garden in the Village a future reality. 

Additional amendments in the Zoning Text include adjustments to setbacks for buildings, parking lots, driveway maneuvering lanes, and fire lanes. Due to the unique size, site characteristics, and need to provide directional information to the site amenities at Prairie Springs Park, the Zoning Administrator can approve sign permits that vary from an article in the Zoning Ordinance.
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