On Monday, July 25, The Village Board reviewed bids for the Prairie Highlands shared use path and authorized the contract award to the low base bid submitted by A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc. of Racine, Wisconsin, in the amount of $1,196,733. The project is part of the Prairie Highlands Corporate Park (PHCP) development, which incorporates pedestrian facilities in the site plan, including sidewalks and shared use paths. Designs have already been created for the shared use path improvements in PHCP. Funding for the project is being provided by TID 2 escrow and TID 5.
The Village accepted public bids for the PHCP path until 2:30 p.m. on July 14, 2022. Two bids were received and publicly read aloud, one from A.W. Oakes and Son, Inc., totaling $1,196,733, and another from Bradford Contractors, LLC, for $1,325,383. The project will provide a shared use path along the west frontage road (122nd Avenue) and County Trunk Highway Q.
The new path fits in with the Village Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Plan that guides the creation of a safe, comprehensive, and integrated bicycle and pedestrian trail network and encourages the use of bicycles and walking for commuting, recreation, and other trips. The network includes a well-connected system of on-street bicycle lanes and off-street shared use pathways that will tie together current and future Village neighborhoods, recreational areas, commercial areas, and employment centers.
Countywide plans also call for Pleasant Prairie’s bicycle and pedestrian trail system to integrate and connect with other trail systems throughout Kenosha County. For example, the future path in PHCP will connect with the County Highway C path, bringing connections to Prairie Farms and Donald Hackbarth Trails. These trail systems connect Prairie Springs Park, County Highway C, and Prairie Highlands Corporate Park. The Prairie Highlands shared use path is also planned to connect to future trails in the Village of Bristol. This project is only one step toward creating a more comprehensive trail system throughout Pleasant Prairie and Kenosha County.