HWY 50 Expansion Project

HWY 50 Expansion Project
Posted on 07/25/2023
Information on behalf of Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

State Trunk Highway 50 is a major east-west route serving Kenosha County communities. This project consists of reconstructing 4.4 miles of WIS 50, from 117th Avenue in Pleasant Prairie to just west of 43rd Avenue in Kenosha.

The project includes:
- Widening the roadway from four to six lanes between 117th and 57th avenues (3.6 miles).
- Reconstructing the existing four-lane road between 57th and 43rd avenues (0.8 miles).
- Implementing access management measures, including driveway and median modifications.
- Providing more capacity at local road intersections.
- Improving access road connections.
- Adding sidewalk and bicycle accommodations throughout.

The proposed HWY 50 corridor improvements are needed to address:
- Mobility, safety, and access need.
- Insufficient mainline lane capacity.
- Deteriorating pavement and bridge structures.
- Substandard mainline and intersection geometrics.
- Oversized/overweight (OSOW) truck route.
- Major commercial corridor.

This project is slated to start in spring 2021 and be completed in 2023.

More information about the HWY 50 expansion can be found on the WisDOT website here.

WisDOT HWY 50 News Release, January 29, 2021

WisDOT HWY 50 January Postcard Mailer

WIS 50 Project Completion

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has substantially completed the reconstruction of WIS 50(75th Street) between 117th and 43rd avenues in Kenosha County. The four mile project began in 2021 with the goals of increasing safety and access throughout the corridor, easing traffic in high-density areas, and improving the transportability of goods and freight. Minor work remains to be finalized throughout the summer.

WIS 50 Project Completion Summary PDF

60th Avenue 5-Hour Full Closure

Tuesday, June 6:
60th Avenue south of WIS 50 is scheduled to close to traffic between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. while crews work to complete asphalt paving.

Alternate Route:
WisDOT encourages traffic to use WIS 50 (75th Street), WIS 31 (Green Bay Road), 85th Street and 60th Avenue to get around the closure.

60th Avenue 5-Hour Full Closure PDF

45th Avenue to Close

Beginning Monday, June 5:

45th Avenue south of WIS 50 will close to traffic for approximately 1 week while crews work to reconstruct
the roadway.

Alternate Route: WisDOT encourages local traffic to use 47th Avenue and 76th Street to get around this closure.

45th Avenue to Close PDF

Eastbound Traffic Switch on WIS 50 at 52nd Avenue

Beginning Friday, May 5:
• Eastbound traffic on WIS 50 (75th Street) is scheduled to be shifted to the newly paved eastbound lanes between 52nd Avenue and Pershing Boulevard.
• One lane of traffic will be maintained for eastbound travel.
• 47th Avenue is scheduled to reopen to traffic.
• 49th Avenue will have access only to eastbound WIS 50.

Alternate Route: WisDOT encourages local traffic to use 76th Street and 47th Avenue to access westbound WIS 50 from 49th Avenue.

Eastbound Traffic Switch on WIS 50 at 52nd Avenue PDF

WIS 50 Eastbound Ramps to Close at 77th Avenue

Beginning Wednesday, May 3:
• The eastbound ramps at 77th Avenue from WIS 50 are scheduled to close for approximately one week while crews perform various roadwork activities.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to use 88th Avenue (CTH H), 60th Street, Green Bay Road (WIS 31) and the 77th Avenue westbound ramps to get around this closure.

WIS 50 Eastbound Ramps to Close at 77th Avenue PDF

Median Closure on WIS 50 at 57th Avenue

Thursday, April 20:
• There will be a full median closure on WIS 50 at 57th Avenue lasting approximately through the end of April while crews reconstruct the median and turn lane.
• Eastbound traffic will not be able to turn left onto 57th Avenue.

Alternate Route: Eastbound motorists are encouraged to use 60th Avenue and 67th Street to get around this closure.

Median Closure on WIS 50 at 57th Avenue

Median Closure on WIS 50 at 73rd Avenue

Monday, April 10:
• There will be a full median closure on WIS 50 at 73rd Avenue for approximately two weeks while crews reconstruct the median and turn lane. Eastbound traffic will not be able to turn left onto 73rd Avenue.
• Eastbound traffic is encouraged to use 70th Avenue and 74th Place to access 73rd Avenue.

Median Closure on WIS 50 at 73rd Avenue PDF

52nd Avenue Scheduled to Close

Beginning Wednesday, March 8:

• 52nd Avenue, from WIS 50 to north of Harrison Road, is scheduled to close to traffic beginning March 8th through late spring while crews reconstruct the roadway.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to use WIS 50 (75th Street), 60th Avenue and 67th Street to get around this closure.

Access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout construction.

52nd Avenue Scheduled to Close PDF

HWY 50 Project Overview

February 27, 2023:
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is continuing with reconstructing WIS 50 (75th Street) between 117th and 43rd avenues in Kenosha County. Work began in early February 2021, with a scheduled completion of late summer 2023.

Work Completed in 2022:
• Reconstructed westbound bridges over 77th Avenue, Canadian Pacific and Union Pacific railroads.
• Constructed eastbound lanes between 70th and 52nd avenues
• Constructed westbound lanes between 88th and 43rd avenues
• Constructed stormwater retention pond and retaining wall at WIS 31/WIS 50 intersection

Continuing Traffic Impacts:
• WIS 50 will have one lane open in each direction from 60th Avenue to 43rd Avenue through early summer 2023
• WIS 50 will have two lanes open in each direction from 88th Avenue to 60th Avenue
• WIS 31 will have two lanes open in each direction through early summer 2023
• Sidewalks will be closed through early summer 2023
• Various side roads from WIS 31 to 43rd Avenue will remain under construction through early summer 2023
• 52nd Avenue north of WIS 50 will close from spring until late summer 2023

Work Expected in 2023:
• Construction of eastbound lanes from 52nd to 43rd avenue
• Construction of WIS 50 medians east of 73rd Avenue to 43rd Avenue and along WIS 31
• Complete expansion of WIS 50 to a six-lane roadway from 88th to 57th avenue
• Complete reconstruction of WIS 50 four-lane roadway from 57th to 43rd avenue
• Intersection improvements at WIS 31, 70th Avenue, 60th Avenue and 52nd Avenue

Overview PDF

45TH Avenue to Open, 47TH Avenue to Close

Monday, December 12:

• 45th Avenue just south of WIS 50 is scheduled to reopen to traffic.
• 47th Avenue just south of WIS 50 is scheduled to close to traffic while crews work to reconstruct the intersection.

These traffic patterns will remain in effect until spring 2023.

Motorists should be aware that dedicated turn lanes and median openings in various locations throughout the project are scheduled to close to traffic while intersections are under construction.

45TH Avenue to Open, 47TH Avenue to Close PDF

Traffic Switches on WIS 50 and WIS 31

Thursday, December 8:

• Westbound traffic on WIS 50 (75th Street) between 49th Avenue and 52nd Avenue is scheduled to be shifted to the newly paved westbound lanes.
• 52nd Avenue, north of WIS 50, is scheduled to open to traffic with right-in, right-out access only.

Friday, December 9:
• Southbound traffic on WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) from 78th Street to 67th Street is scheduled to be shifted to the newly constructed southbound lanes.

These traffic patterns will remain in effect until spring 2023.

Motorists should be aware that dedicated turn lanes and median openings in various locations throughout the project are scheduled to close to traffic while intersections are under construction.

Traffic Switches on WIS 50 and WIS 31 PDF

WIS 50 Eastbound Daytime Lane Reduction

Wednesday, November 30:

• Traffic on eastbound WIS 50 (75th Street), between 88th (County H) and 73rd avenues, is scheduled to be reduced to one lane from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., while crews perform bridge work.

WIS 50 Eastbound Daytime Lane Reduction PDF

Northbound 60th Avenue Traffic Switch

Monday, November 28:
• Traffic on northbound 60th Avenue from just north and south of WIS 50 (75th Street) is scheduled to be shifted to the west, onto the newly paved southbound lanes, while crews work to pave the WIS 50 and 60th Avenue intersection.

Bi-directional traffic on 60th Avenue will be maintained throughout construction. Motorists should be aware that dedicated turn lanes and median openings in various locations throughout the project area are scheduled to close to traffic while intersections are under construction.

Northbound 60th Avenue Traffic Switch PDF

WIS 50 Eastbound Lane Reduction and 77th Avenue Eastbound Ramps Daytime Closure

Tuesday, November 22:
• 77th Avenue eastbound ramps, are scheduled to close to traffic on Tuesday, November 22 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., while crews work to perform bridge work.
• Traffic on eastbound WIS 50 is scheduled to be reduced to one lane from 88th Avenue (County H)to 73rd Avenue.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to use the 77th Avenue westbound ramps, 75th Street (WIS 50),88th Avenue (County H), 60th Street (County K)and Green Bay Road (WIS 31) to get around the closure.

WIS 50 Eastbound Lane Reduction and 77th Avenue Eastbound Ramps Daytime Closure PDF

Southbound WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) Traffic Switch

Friday, November 18:
• Traffic on southbound WIS 31 (Green Bay Road), from just north of 74th Street to 76th Street is scheduled to be shifted east, onto the median lanes, while crews work to place pavement at the intersection of WIS 50 and WIS 31.

Bi-directional traffic on WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) will be maintained throughout construction. Motorists should be aware that dedicated turn lanes and median openings in various locations throughout the project are scheduled to close to traffic while intersections are under construction.

Southbound WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) Traffic Switch PDF

70th Avenue to Reopen, 69th Avenue to Close

Wednesday, November 9:
• 70th Avenue, between WIS 50 (75th Street) and just north of 78th Street, is scheduled to reopen to traffic on Wednesday, November 9 by 8 p.m.
• 69th Avenue, between WIS 50 (75th Street) and 75th Place, is scheduled to close to traffic on Wednesday, November 9 by 11:59 p.m., through late 2022.

70th Avenue to Reopen, 69th Avenue to Close PDF

47th Avenue to Close Overnight

Monday, November 7:
• 47th Avenue, between WIS 50 (75th Street) and just north 76th Street is scheduled to close to traffic from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., while crews work to install a storm sewer crossing.

Businesses and residents should also be aware that there will be noise and dust associated with this work,
steps will be taken to minimize these effects.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to utilize WIS 50 (75th Street), 49th Avenue, and 76th Street to get around the overnight closure.

47th Avenue to Close Overnight PDF

WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) Traffic Switch

Friday, November 4:
• Traffic on northbound WIS 31 (Green Bay Road), from 78th Street to 67th Street is scheduled to be shifted east, onto the newly constructed northbound lanes beginning Friday, November 4.
• 74th Street east of WIS 31 is scheduled to reopen to traffic.

Bi-directional traffic on WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) will be maintained throughout construction. Motorists should be aware that dedicated turn lanes and median openings in various locations throughout the project are scheduled to close to traffic while intersections are under construction.

WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) Traffic Switch PDF

Daytime Full Closure of 77th Avenue Westbound Ramps

Wednesday, October 26:
• 77th Avenue westbound ramps, are scheduled to close to traffic Wednesday, October 26 from noon to 5 p.m., while crews work to perform asphalt paving.
•As part of a separate project, County Highway K(60th Street), between 94th Court and Union Pacific Railroad, is closed to traffic through late fall.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to use the 77th Avenue eastbound ramps, 75th Street (WIS 50), 88th Avenue(CTH H), 52nd Street (WIS 158) and Green Bay Road(WIS 31) to get around the closure.

Daytime Full Closure of 77th Avenue Westbound Ramps PDF

70th Avenue to Reopen, 69th Avenue to Close

Wednesday, November 9:
• 70th Avenue, between WIS 50 (75th Street) and just north of 78th Street, is scheduled to reopen to traffic on Wednesday, November 9 by 8 p.m.
• 69th Avenue, between WIS 50 (75th Street) and 75th Place, is scheduled to close to traffic on Wednesday, November 9 by 11:59 p.m., through late 2022.

70th Avenue to Reopen, 69th Avenue to Close PDF

77th Eastbound Ramps Closure

Sunday, October 16 thru Wednesday, October 19:
• 77th Avenue eastbound ramps, are scheduled to close to traffic beginning Sunday, October 16 at 7 p.m. to Wednesday, October 19 at 11:59 p.m., while crews work to perform bridge overlay work.
•As part of a separate project, County Highway K (60th Street),between 94th Court and Union Pacific Railroad, is closed to traffic through late fall.

Alternate Routes:
Traffic entering 77th Avenue:
→Motorists are encouraged to use 88th Avenue, WIS 158,WIS 31 and the WIS 50 westbound exit ramp to 77th Avenue to get around the eastbound exit ramp closure.

Traffic exiting 77th Avenue:
→Motorists are encouraged to use the 77th Avenue west bound entrance ramp to WIS 50, 88th Avenue, WIS 158, and WIS 31to get around the eastbound entrance ramp closure.

77th Eastbound Ramps Closure PDF

WIS 50 Eastbound Closure & 77th Eastbound Ramp Closure

Tuesday Overnight, October 11:

• WIS 50 eastbound, between 88th Avenue (County Highway H) and WIS 31 (Green Bay Road), is scheduled to close overnight from Tuesday evening at midnight to Wednesday, October 12 at 6 a.m., while crews work to perform bridge overlay work.
• 77th Avenue eastbound ramps are scheduled to close overnight from Tuesday evening at midnight to Wednesday, October 12 at 6 a.m.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to use 88th Avenue, WIS 158, and WIS 31 to get around the eastbound full closure.

WIS 50 Eastbound Closure & 77th Eastbound Ramp Closure PDF

60th Avenue Storm Sewer Crossing

Monday, October 10 and Tuesday, October 11:
• 60th Avenue, between WIS 50 and 77th Street is scheduled to close to traffic from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., while crews work to install storm sewer crossings.
• Northbound local access will be available up to 77th Street.
• Southbound local access will be available up to WIS 50 (75th Street).

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to utilize WIS 50 (75th Street), WIS 31 (Green Bay Road), 85th Street and 60th Avenue to get around the overnight closures.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.

60th Avenue Storm Sewer Crossing PDF

52nd Avenue to Close Long-Term

Beginning Wednesday, October 5, by 5 a.m.
• Traffic on 52nd Avenue, between 51st Avenue and Harrison Road, is scheduled to close to traffic through late 2022.
• 64th Avenue south of WIS 50 is scheduled to close to traffic through late 2022.

The following side streets are scheduled to reopen Wednesday, October 5, by 5 a.m.
→70th Avenue north of WIS 50
→49th Avenue south of WIS 50
→76th Street east of WIS 31

Access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout construction.

52nd Avenue to Close Long-Term

WIS 50 Traffic Switch

Tuesday, September 20 by 6:00 a.m.
• Traffic on WIS 50 (75th Street) between 43rd and 60th avenues is scheduled to be shifted north, onto the newly constructed westbound lanes.
• 45th Avenue between WIS 50 and 74th Place is scheduled to reopen to traffic.
• 57th Avenue just north of WIS 50 is scheduled to reopen to traffic.
• 45th Avenue between WIS 50 and 76th Street is scheduled to close to traffic through late fall.
• Northbound traffic on 60th Avenue between 77th Street and 73rd Street is scheduled to be shifted east, onto the newly constructed northbound lanes, by 6 a.m., while crews work to reconstruct the median.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.

WIS 50 Traffic Switch PDF

WIS 50 Traffic Switch

Thursday, September 1 by 6:00 a.m.:
• Westbound traffic on WIS 50 (75th Street) between 60th and 88th avenues (CTH H) is scheduled to be shifted north, onto the newly constructed westbound lanes.
• Eastbound traffic on WIS 50 (75th Street) between 73rd and 64th avenues is scheduled to be shifted north, onto the newly constructed westbound lanes, while crews work to construct the future eastbound lanes.
• WIS 50 westbound exit and entrance ramps at 77th Avenue, are scheduled to reopen to traffic.
• 70th Avenue between 78th Street and WIS 50 (75th Street) is scheduled
to close to traffic, through fall, while crews work to reconstruct the intersection.

WIS 50 Traffic Switch PDF

WIS 50 to Close Overnight

Friday, August 26:
• WIS 50, between WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) and 39th Avenue is scheduled to close to traffic from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., while crews work to install storm sewer crossings.
• Eastbound local access will be available up to 52nd Avenue.
• Westbound local access will be available up to 47th Avenue.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to use WIS 31, WIS 158 (52nd Street), and 39th Avenue to get around the closure.

WIS 50 to Close Overnight PDF

WIS50 to Close Overnight

Tuesday, August 23 and Wednesday, August 24:
• WIS 50, between WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) and 39th Avenue is scheduled to close to traffic from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., while crews work to install storm sewer crossings.
• Eastbound local access will be available up to 52nd Avenue.
• Westbound local access will be available up to 47th Avenue.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to use WIS 31, WIS 158 (52nd Street), and 39th Avenue to get around the closure.

WIS 50 to Close Overnight PDF

WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) Traffic Switch

Wednesday, August 3:
• Traffic on WIS 31 (Green Bay Road), from 78th Street to 67th Street is scheduled to be shifted west onto the current median, while crews work to reconstruct the northbound lanes.
• 74th and 76th streets, east of WIS 31, are scheduled to close to traffic while crews work to reconstruct the intersections.

Bi-directional traffic on WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) will be maintained throughout construction. Motorists should be aware that dedicated turn lanes and median openings in various locations throughout the project are scheduled to close to traffic while intersections are under construction.

WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) Traffic Switch PDF

WIS 50 to Close Overnight

Monday, July 18:
• WIS 50, between WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) and 39th Avenue is scheduled to close to traffic from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., while crews work to install storm sewer crossings.
• Eastbound local access will be available up to 52nd Avenue.
• Westbound local access will be available up to 47th Avenue.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to use WIS 31, WIS 158 (52nd Street), and 39th Avenue to get around the closure.

WIS 50 to Close Overnight PDF

60th Avenue to Reopen, 57th Avenue to Close

Saturday, June 25:
• 60th Avenue, between WIS 50 (75th Street) and 73rd Street, is scheduled to reopen to traffic by 6 a.m.

Monday, June 27:
• 57th Avenue, just north of WIS 50 (75th Street), is scheduled to close to traffic, by 6 a.m., through late summer, while crews work to reconstruct the intersection.


WIS 50 to Close Overnight

Tuesday, June 14 and Wednesday, June 15:
• WIS 50, between WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) and 39th Avenue is scheduled to close to traffic from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., while crews work to install storm sewer crossings.
• Eastbound local access will be available up to 57th Avenue.
• Westbound local access will be available up to 52nd Avenue.

Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 17:
• WIS 50, between WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) and 39th Avenue is scheduled to close to traffic from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., while crews work to install storm sewer crossings.
• Eastbound local access will be available up to 52nd Avenue.
• Westbound local access will be available up to 47th Avenue.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to use WIS 31, WIS 158 (52nd Street), and 39th Avenue to get around the closure.

WIS 50 to Close Overnight

WIS 50 to Close Overnight

Tuesday, June 7:
• WIS 50 eastbound, between WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) and 39th Avenue is scheduled to close to traffic from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., while crews work to install storm sewer crossings.

Wednesday, June 8 - Friday, June 10:
• WIS 50, between WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) and 39th Avenue is scheduled to close to traffic from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., while crews work to install storm sewer crossings.
• Eastbound local access will be available up to 57th Avenue.
• Westbound local access will be available up to 52nd Avenue.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to use WIS 31, WIS 158 (52nd Street), and 39th Avenue to get around the closure.

WIS 50 to Close Overnight

Overnight Westbound WIS 50 Closures

Monday, May 9 and Tuesday, May 10:
• Westbound WIS 50, between WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) and 88th Avenue (County Highway H), is scheduled to be closed overnight from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., for bridge girder installation.
• As part of a separate project, County Highway K (60th Street), between 94th Court and Union Pacific Railroad, is scheduled to be closed to traffic beginning Tuesday, May 10.

Alternate Route:
→ Motorists are encouraged to use WIS 31, WIS 158, and 88th Avenue to get around the closure.

Please note that all work is weather dependent and subject to change.

Overnight Westbound WIS 50 Closures

WIS 50 Traffic Switch

Week of December 13:
• Traffic on WIS 50 from 118th Avenue to 88th Avenue, is scheduled to open to three lanes in each direction.
• Traffic on on 104th, 94th, and 88th avenues will be shifted to the outside lanes, with one lane of traffic in each direction.
• Traffic on WIS 50, from just east of 88th Avenue to 70th Avenue, is scheduled to be shifted south to the newly constructed eastbound lanes with two lanes of traffic maintained in each direction, while crews complete the westbound bridge structures.
• Westbound WIS 50 exit and entrance ramps at 77th Avenue are scheduled to close to traffic through late 2022.

Access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout construction.

WIS 50 Traffic Switch PDF

WIS 50 Traffic Switch

Thursday, December 2nd:
Traffic on eastbound WIS 50 from 118th Avenue to 88th Avenue (CTH H), is scheduled to be shifted to the inside lanes by 6 a.m., while crews complete the outside lanes. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained.

Friday, December 3rd:
Traffic on westbound WIS 50 from 118th Avenue to 88th Avenue (CTH H), is scheduled to be shifted to the inside lanes by 6 a.m., while crews complete the outside lanes. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained.

Access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout construction.

WIS 50 Traffic Switch PDF

Overnight Eastbound WIS 50 Closures

Monday, October 11 and Tuesday, October 12:
Eastbound WIS 50, between 104th Avenue and 70th Avenue is scheduled to be closed overnight from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., for bridge demolition.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to use 104th Avenue, 52nd Street (WIS 158), and Green Bay Road (WIS 31) to get around the closure.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.

Overnight Eastbound WIS Closures PDF

WIS 50 Traffic Switch

Friday, September 24th:
Eastbound WIS 50 between 104th Avenue and 70th Avenue, is scheduled to close to traffic overnight from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., as crews perform a traffic switch.

Saturday, September 25th:
Traffic on eastbound WIS 50 from just east of 88th Avenue to 70th Avenue is scheduled to be shifted south to the newly constructed outside lanes, by 6 a.m. for crews to begin construction on the inside lanes.

Access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout construction.

WIS 50 Traffic Switch Map

88th Avenue (County H) to Close Long-Term

Monday, September 20:

88th Avenue (County H) from WIS 50 to 70th Street is scheduled to close to thru traffic, for approximately one month, while crews work to reconstruct the roadway, by 6 a.m.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to utilize 75th Street (WIS 50), Green Bay Road (WIS 31), and 52nd Street (WIS 158) to get around this closure.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.

88th Avenue (County H) Detour Map

WIS 50 Traffic Switch

Saturday, September 11:
• Traffic on eastbound WIS 50 from 118th Avenue to just east of 88th Avenue, is scheduled to be shifted to the newly constructed outside lanes, while crews work to construct the inside lanes, by 6 a.m.
• 99th Avenue from WIS 50 to 76th Street is scheduled to reopen to traffic, with right-in, right-out movements, by 6 a.m.
• 91st Avenue from WIS 50 to 76th Street is scheduled to reopen to traffic, with right-in, right-out movements, by 6 a.m.

Sunday September 12:
• Traffic on westbound WIS 50 from just east of 88th Avenue to 117th Avenue, is scheduled to be shifted to the newly constructed outside lanes, while crews work to construct the inside lanes, by 6 a.m.
• 96th Avenue from WIS 50 to 74th Street is scheduled to reopen to traffic, with right-in, right-out movements, by 6 a.m.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.

WIS 50 Traffic Switch Map

88th Avenue (County H) Traffic Switch

Wednesday August 18:
• Traffic on 88th Avenue from Prairie Ridge Boulevard to just north of 74th Street, is scheduled to be shifted east onto the current northbound lanes, while crews work to construct the future southbound lanes, by noon.

Monday, August 23:
• 74th Street access west of 88th Avenue is scheduled to be closed long-term, by 6 a.m.
• 76th Street access west of 88th Avenue is scheduled to be closed long-term, by 6 a.m.

Alternate Route for 74th Street: Motorists are encouraged to utilize 75th Street (WIS 50), 91st Avenue, and 74th Street to get around this closure.

Alternate Route for 76th Street: Motorists are encouraged to utilize 88th Avenue (County H), Prairie Ridge Boulevard, 91st Street and 76th Street to get around this closure.

88th Avenue (County H) Traffic Switch Map

Traffic Changes along WIS 50

Saturday, August 14:

• 94th Avenue from 74th Street to St. Catherine’s Drive is scheduled to reopen to traffic by 6 a.m.
Monday, August 16:
• 91st Avenue just north of WIS 50 is scheduled to reopen to traffic by 6 a.m.
• 99th Avenue just north of WIS 50 is scheduled to reopen to traffic by 6 a.m.
• 96th Avenue from WIS 50 to 74th Street is scheduled to close to traffic by 6 a.m.
• 99th Avenue from WIS 50 to 76th Street is scheduled to close to traffic by 6 a.m.
• 91st Avenue from WIS 50 to 76th Street is scheduled to close to traffic by 6 a.m.

Traffic Changes along WIS 50 Map

Overnight Eastbound WIS 50 Closures CANCELED

Wednesday August 11 and Thursday August 12:
Eastbound WIS 50, between 88th Avenue (County H) and 70th Avenue is scheduled to be closed overnight from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., for barrier wall work.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to use 88th Avenue (County H), 52nd Street (WIS 158), and Green Bay Road (WIS 31) to get around the closure.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.

Overnight Eastbound WI Closures Detour Map

109th Avenue to Open

Monday, July 26:
The newly constructed 109th Avenue, is scheduled to open to traffic by 5 a.m.
• 109th Avenue north of WIS 50 will serve as a new shared driveway entrance to Riverwood Apartments, Journey Church, and Aurora Medical Center.
• 109th Avenue south of WIS 50 will serve as a new driveway entrance to Lynch Chevrolet and development to the south.
• Motorists wishing to visit Aurora Medical Center, should be advised that the entrance via 109th Avenue will be a one-way only entrance throughout the duration of construction of 109th Avenue.

109th Avenue to Open Map

Overnight Storm Sewer Work Crossing WIS 50

Monday, July 12:
WIS 50, between 118th Avenue and WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) is scheduled to have eastbound and westbound overnight closures for approximately one week (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), for storm sewer crossings and girder installation. Eastbound and westbound WIS 50 will not be closed simultaneously during this work.
– During eastbound full closures, westbound traffic on WIS 50 will be reduced to one lane.
– During westbound full closures, eastbound traffic on WIS 50 will be reduced to one lane.

Crews are scheduled to begin with westbound storm sewer crossings, following completion, crews will begin with eastbound storm sewer crossings.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to use WIS 31, WIS 158, 118th Avenue and East Frontage Road to get around the closure.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction. Businesses and residents should also be aware that there will be noise and dust associated with this work, steps will be taken to minimize these effects.

Overnight Storm Sewer Work Crossing WIS 50 detour map

77th Street to Close

Monday, July 12:
77th Street from 104th Avenue to just west of 105th Avenue is scheduled to close for approximately five days while crews perform storm sewer operations.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to utilize 104th Avenue, 79th Street, and 105th Avenue to get around this closure.

Access to residences will be maintained throughout construction.

77th Street to Close detour map

88th Avenue (County H) to Close Overnight

Wednesday, June 30:
88th Avenue (County H) from WIS 50 (75th Street) to Prairie Ridge Boulevard is scheduled to close overnight, between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., for storm sewer operations.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to use 104th Avenue and Prairie Ridge Boulevard to get around this closure. Access to residences and businesses will be maintained during this closure.

88th Street to Close Overnight Detour Map 

UPDATE: June 22 - The 77th Street closure that was scheduled to begin on Wednesday, June 30th, has been canceled due to contractor coordination.

77th Street to Close Long Term

Wednesday, June 30:
77th Street from 104th Avenue to just west of 105th Avenue is scheduled to close for approximately five days while crews perform storm sewer operations.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to utilize 104th Avenue, 79th Street, and 105th Avenue to get around this closure.
Access to residences will be maintained throughout construction.

77th Street to Close Long Term Detour Map

99th Avenue to Close Overnight

Thursday, June 3:
Beginning Monday June 7, 99th Avenue from WIS 50 (75th Street) to 76th Street is scheduled to close overnight, between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., for approximately two nights for storm sewer crossings.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to utilize WIS 50 (75th Street), 104th Avenue, and 77th/76th Street to get around this closure.
Access to residences and businesses will be maintained during this closure.

99th Avenue to Close Overnight Detour Map

104th Avenue to Close Overnight

Thursday, May 27:
Beginning Tuesday, June 1, 104th Avenue from WIS 50 (75th Street) to 60th Street (County K) is scheduled to close nightly for approximately one week, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. for storm sewer crossings.

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to utilize WIS 50 (75th Street), East Frontage Road (118th Avenue), 60th Street (County K), and 88th Avenue (County H) to get around this closure.

104th Avenue to Close Overnight Detour Map

Temporary Stop Sign at the intersection of 104th Avenue and 77th Street
Thursday, May 20: As a part of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation reconstruction at 104th Avenue and 77th Street for the STH 50 project, the contractor will be adding a temporary stop sign at the intersection of 104th Avenue and 77th Street. This will be installed next week and stay until the construction of 104th Avenue is complete. When the road construction in complete this fall, the intersection will go back to a thru road for 104th Avenue.

Eastbound WIS 50 to Close Overnight

Monday, May 10:
Eastbound WIS 50 (75th Street) from 88th Avenue (County H) to 70th Avenue is scheduled to close overnight on Tuesday, May 11 from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. for crane mobilization.

Alternate Route: Motorists are encouraged to utilize 88th Avenue (County H), WIS 158 (52nd Street), and WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) to get around this single night closure.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained during this closure.

Eastbound WIS 50 to Close Overnight Map

99th Avenue to Close Long-Term

Friday, April 23:
• 99th Avenue access north of WIS 50 is scheduled to close Wednesday, April 28 by 6 a.m. through early summer.
• Access to residences and businesses will be maintained by using the 104th Avenue and 74th Street intersection.

99th Avenue Closure Map

WIS 50 Traffic Switch

Tuesday, April 13:
• Traffic on WIS 50 from 117th Avenue to WIS 50 Frontage Road is scheduled to begin to be shifted to the inside lanes
• Traffic on County Highway H (88th Avenue) is scheduled to be shifted west onto the current southbound lanes with
one lane of traffic in each direction
• Traffic on 104th Avenue is scheduled to be shifted west onto the current southbound lanes with one lane of traffic
in each direction
• 74th Street access east of 104th Avenue is scheduled to close long-term
• 91st Avenue north of WIS 50 is scheduled to close long-term
• 94th Avenue is scheduled to close to traffic from 74th Street to St. Catherine’s Drive for approximately two months
• WIS 50 eastbound exit and entrance ramps at 77th Avenue, are scheduled to close to traffic through summer
• Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.

WIS 50 Traffic Switch Map

94th Avenue from 74th Street to St. Catherin's Drive to close long-term

Tuesday, April 13:
• 94th Avenue is scheduled to close to traffic from 74th Street to St. Catherine’s Drive for approximately two months, by 6 a.m.
• Access will be maintained to residents located on 74th Place

Alternate Route:
Motorists are encouraged to utilize WIS 50, 96th Avenue, 104th Avenue, Prairie Ridge Boulevard, and 88th Avenue (County H) to get around this closure.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.

94th Ave. from 74th St. to St. Catherine's Dr. Closure Map

Overnight Storm Sewer Work Crossing WIS 50

Monday, March 22:
• WIS 50, between 118th Avenue and WIS 31 (Green Bay Road) is scheduled to have eastbound and westbound overnight closures for approximately two weeks (11 p.m. to 6 a.m.), for storm sewer crossings. Eastbound and westbound WIS 50 will not be closed simultaneously during storm sewer crossing work.
– During eastbound full closures, westbound traffic on WIS 50 will be reduced to one lane.
– During westbound full closures, eastbound traffic on WIS 50 will be reduced to one lane.
• Crews are scheduled to begin with eastbound storm sewer crossings, following completion, crews will begin with westbound storm sewer crossings.

Alternate Route:
→ Motorists are encouraged to use WIS 31, WIS 158, 118th Avenue and East Frontage Road to get around the closure.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction. Businesses and residents should also be aware that there will be noise and dust associated with this work, steps will be taken to minimize these effects.

Storm Sewer Alternative Route Map

WIS 50 Traffic Switch

Wednesday, March 10:
• Eastbound traffic on WIS 50 from 117th Avenue to WIS 50 Frontage Road is scheduled to be shifted to the outside lanes, by 6 a.m.
• Traffic on County Highway H (88th Avenue) is scheduled to be shifted east onto the current northbound lanes, with one lane of traffic in each direction, by 6 a.m.

Friday, March 12:
• Westbound traffic on WIS 50 from WIS 50 Frontage Road to 117th Avenue is scheduled to be shifted to the outside lanes, by 6 a.m.
• Traffic on 104th Avenue is scheduled to be reduced to one lane in each direction through late fall 2021, by 6 a.m.

Traffic Switch Map

WIS 50 Frontage Road (South) to Close for Long-Term

Monday, March 8:
• WIS 50 Frontage Road (south), is scheduled to close to traffic long-term by 6 a.m. through summer 2021.
• Access to residences and businesses will be maintained from WIS 50 Frontage Road, north of WIS 50.

Alternate route:
• Motorists traveling eastbound are encouraged to use WIS 50 and WIS 50 Frontage Road, north of WIS 50 to get around the closure.

Please note that all work is weather dependent and subject to change.

Frontage Road Closure and Alternative Route Map
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