Ever Wonder...HOW it's made? or WHY it's made that way?
Join us at the Pleasant Prairie Mini Maker Faire on Saturday, November 26 to meet the Makers and ask them for yourself!
Makers are everywhere; they include crafters, artists, inventors, musicians, engineers, science clubs, culinary folks, tinkerers and more. At the Pleasant Prairie Mini Maker Faire, you'll find a truly eclectic mix of exhibits that will spark words like..."sweet!" "cooool!" "no WAY!"
Come learn about fuel efficient vehicles, robots, a virtual welder, telescopes, 3D printers...speak with potters, furniture makers, blacksmiths, crafters (with handmade gifts/goods for sale). There's so much more!
Admission is free. Register to attend at...MakerFairePleasantPrairie.com
Saturday, November 26
10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
RecPlex Fieldhouse